All Time Favorite Cocktails
Here are some of the most popular cocktail recipes on the blog & my personal favorite recipes:
By Alcohol Type
Search for a cocktail recipe to make based on the type of alcohol.
Shots & Shooters Recipes
Shots and shooters are great if you are hosting a large group of friends. There are some colorful and fruity shots in this collection as well as some sweet, dessert-like pudding shots.
See all shot recipes —>
Mocktail Recipes
Mocktails or non alcoholic cocktails are perfect for people who don’t drink and even for kids. Find a recipe you’ll enjoy from this large collection of mocktail recipes.
See all mocktail recipes —>
By Holiday
We have lots of seasonal cocktail recipes for every holiday. Easily find a cocktail that will fit for whichever holiday is coming up.
Simple Syrup Recipes
Simple syrups are the base for so many cocktail recipes. They add flavor and sweetness. While you can buy syrup in the store, it is also easy to make yourself.
See all simple syrup recipes —>
Latest Cocktail Recipes
Here are the newest cocktail recipes that have just been added to the blog:
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